February is without doubt the worst month in Ontario, but in true PEC style, we not only make the best of it—we also make it the best. Here are some reasons you should ‘County up’ and make February the best month in Prince Edward County.

MARKET | The Weekend Boutique That Brings Lake Como to The County

County Bella Boutique| A Popup Clothing Boutique WAUPOOS INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK SITE Previous Next “What a beautiful store—the perfect idea for the County!” —So Many Of Our Lovely Customers Tweet County Bella is…

Reaching For Rainbows, Prince Edward County

SUPPORT | When Young Girls Get Support—Incredible Things Happen

Reaching For Rainbows | A Girls’ Support Foundation PICTON WEBSITE DONATE MEDIA Previous Next “Our program isn’t about academics it’s about relationships, belonging & a strong sense of self. We allow girls…

Downtown Belleville, Main Street

COUNTY DAYTRIPS | The Downtown Belleville Edition

With the outpouring of love and support for our last ‘County Daytrips’ article on the awesome little group of young, fresh businesses in the Village of Bath, we’re thrilled to continue the…

MacKinnon Brothers brewing co. Bath

COUNTY DAYTRIPS | The Bath Edition

The first time in Prince Edward County we spotted a t-shirt that read ‘The County vs. Nobody’ and it hit home hard—we weren’t in the city anymore. 

cherry valley, east lake, west lake, prince edward county, neighbourhoods

Where-To | Cherry Valley, East Lake & Salmon Point

Located on the West side of the County’s South shore, Cherry Valley, East Lake and Salmon Point range from stunning expansive farming fields and back-forty forests, to the pebbly, but beautiful Point Petre beaches (complete with water snake-spotting!, ) to the cottage-y feel of Salmon Point and East Lake.

VISIT THIS LIVING DIRECTORY for things to do in these Prince Edward County neighbourhoods.

black river, milford, south bay, prince edward county, neighbourhoods

Where-To | Black River, Milford & South Bay

The South Shore is an exciting piece of Prince Edward County. Not only does it feel a little wild and magical, but everything about these neighbourhoods—from old tales of rum running, to the Vicki’s annual seedling sale, smacks of coolness.

VISIT THIS LIVING DIRECTORY for things to do in the Black River, Milford and South Bay neighbourhoods of Prince Edward County.

waupoos, cressy, glenora, lake on the mountain, prince edward county, neighbourhoods

Where-To | Waupoos, Cressy, Glenora & Lake-On-The-Mountain

This part of PEC is the furthest from Toronto and closer to Ottawa, Kingston, and Montreal. From Waupoos to Cressy to Lake-on-the-Mountain—there’s a different kind of magic here.

VISIT THIS LIVING DIRECTORY for things to do in the North Marysburgh neighbourhoods of Prince Edward County.