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Tag: the county
“I knew I would write a book about my son. Just not this book…” – Rick Prashaw “I don’t remember exactly when I decided or knew for sure that I was writing…
When I moved to Prince Edward County a few years ago, I really didn’t know anything about it. Worse—I really thought I did.
Remember “Bro Hymn”? That moshable eulogy from 90s California punk band Pennywise? It was a shout out to their fallen friends and a reminder that we’re in this thing together and to…
It’s coming—New Year’s Eve in Prince Edward County. Last year we agonized about which party to choose and finally decided to head to Midtown Brewery, which was serious stuff and crazy awesome—though…
Give Her Shelter: Donate, Pass It On, Show Your Love—30 Days To Act Against Domestic Violence in PEC
August 1st to 30th is officially ‘Give Her Shelter’ month in the County. Not because violence escalates in the summer or because we should only consider helping out this month, but because…